Thursday, April 1, 2010


This project was a new for me, not only as a reacher but also as an everyday person. The answers i got were very differnt then i would of thought. i asked the question do stereotypes accomplish anything. the first answer i had was yes, most of time. The resolt i was give was what i thought it would be, 5%. My next answer was sometimes, This answer suprised me the most with 42% of people thinking this. My last answer was never, more then half of people chose this answer, 53%. This project was a great thing to learn about.


To make the research on racial stereotypes more accurate, you would need to survey all types of people from all over the world. Not only people of one race from one place but all races from all over. Where you live has a big input on your opinion on things. But what might have the biggest impact on your life and opinion on it would have to be your parents. Whatever way you may grow up, your opinion almost always is formed by your parents thoughts on the issue. if they believe that mexican are lazy, blacks will always steal, or whites are all stuck up and think they are better then everyone else most likely you will think the same. No race is better then another race. The only way i can think of to fix this huge issue is for people to realize that stereotypes accomplish nothing.

Monday, March 29, 2010


In conclusion, the data that i collected was not conclusive.  From a race standing point the data of the whites and blacks were equal, 40 people each.  2 asians, 2 latinos, 7 mixed, and 5 others.  the diffence between males and females was 32, and a total of 96 people toke it.  to get completely correct data you would need a even number of males and females, and all races

Friday, March 26, 2010

this graph shows the comparison of  peoples ideas of stereotypes.  96 teenagers between the ages of 14-16 answered this.  32 males and 64 females.  40 blacks, 40 whites, 2 asian, 2 latino, 7 mixed, 5 others

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The history of the idea of race

The term "race" was first used in the english language in the late 16th century. It was not until the 18th century that it was not used as a classifying term such as type and kind. In the 18th century it was used for sorting and ranking the english colonies, and then they started to use racial stereotype for the ones they conquered. Such as the irish

Friday, March 19, 2010

Why do we all create racial stereotype?

At least once in our lives we say or think of a racial stereotypes. We generally don't think as of what we are thinking or saying as stereotipical, but its not how we say it, but how the other person interprets it.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Reason behind writing this

I am writing this because for 14 years i lived in an all black neighborhood and every time I talk to someone about where I lived they always said isn't that a bad neighborhood just because they were black. but the same thing happened when i told my friends from where i lived, when i told them where i went to school they all said aren't they all rednecks. i went to school in the county but lived in the ghetto